Price list 2023

Duration of narration

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Narration time approx.



Advertising on radio, TV, cinema price per medium, up to 30 seconds

up to 1 million inhabitants
55 euros
up to 20 million inhabitants
250 euros
500 euros
300 euros
50% of the spot price

Web videos paid¹

Per video
up to 2 minutes
300 euros
Each additional minute
of the same video
100 euros

Web videos non-paid²

Per video
up to 2 minutes
150 euros
Each additional minute
of the same video
50 euros

E-learning internal use, no advertising statements

Per video
up to 5 minutes
250 euros
Each additional 5 minutes
of the same video
50 euros


Per module
max. 30 seconds
40 euros

please note

¹ Paid web videos: "Paid" means that money is spent to distribute the video so that it reaches the audience on an unsolicited basis. For instance, as a pre-roll on YouTube, a commercial on Instagram, Facebook or similar. However, films that are located on special sub-pages of a website which are referred to in commercials (such as the latest model from a car manufacturer) are also considered to be "paid".

² Non-paid web videos: "Non-paid" means that the commercial is simply uploaded to YouTube or one's own website, for example, but is not distributed. That means no money is spent on making the video reach the viewers.

The prices include all of the studio costs. Exploitation rights for commercials: 1 year from date of invoice, all other offers are unlimited in time. Other productions and package offers are available subject to individual agreement.

All prices are net. Validity: 1 January 2021.


All offers free of ksk fees.

For creative services in Germany, a fee is normally payable to the Social Security Insurance Scheme for Artists and Writers (KSK). This currently amounts to 4.2% of the net value of the order, and is automatically payable by the contracting party.

Exception: for payments to legal entities (e.g. GmbH, UG, AG, e.V.), no fees to the Social Security Insurance Scheme for Artists and Writers are due. The invoicing for all narrator services is completed in the name of BrennerMedien GmbH. This means that you do not have to pay any fees to the KSK.

For further information, visit